I have two delightful little demon void cats. I love them so much, but they desperately needed a new automatic litter box. The Leo’s Loo Too by Smarty Pear looked the most promising to me, plus, it came in green, which is always a good omen, in my opinion.

Having tried several automatic, self-cleaning litter boxes over my tenure of feline parenthood, I have had a few successes, and a few terrible misses, including one that terrified my kitty offspring so much that they took to fertilizing my palm tree instead of getting near it.

The Leo’s Loo Too is the brainchild of tech company Smarty Pear, and named for the CEO’s cat, Leo, who was found in a dumpster but went on to live 18 of his best, most judgmental years with his pawrent.

Smarty Pear Leo’s Loo Too

Leo’s Loo Too
Check Price at smartypear.com

The Leo's Loo Too is advertised as the easiest-to-use, Alexa-enabled, app-connected litter box on the market. I have found that to be true — once it is set up. I only say that because the initial setup is tricky. The 9.5-liter spherical litter box and base are quite heavy, and getting the app set up and connected with your home devices does take some time. After that, it is smooth sailing.

Unlike some automatic litter boxes, there’s no raking mechanism that drags across the litter, scooping as it goes. The way that the Leo’s Loo Too works is that the litter sits in the bottom of the dome, and when the cat does their business and leaves the box, the dome spins on the base, and the grated section of the plastic lets clean litter fall through, while a shelf catches the lumps and deposits them in a bin that is lined with the Leo’s Loo litter bag. It has multiple sensors inside, making sure your cat is always safe, never spinning when they’re near it, and if they approach while it is spinning, the cycle stops. It also has a built-in UV light fixture to kill many of the remaining bacteria. I haven’t taken a swab to determine the efficacy, but my cats seem to be thriving, and so are the people in my house.

leos loo too
Cat Bowen

It is surprisingly quiet at 30 dB, and it's really efficient, minimizing litter waste. It's in our living room, tucked beside our sofa and behind our recliner, and most guests don't even know it's there. Yes, we normally have a large palm tree that rests beside it, camouflaging the box, but the fact that there's also no smell? Pretty impressive.

The box in my New York City home is used by two cats, so it has been put through its paces, and months later, we’ve had no problems. The cats took to it immediately, and we’ve never looked back. My husband changes the bag about twice per week, and cleans it out when he changes the litter every two or three weeks. Full disclosure: This will never, ever be a “me” job, but I’ve been assured it’s all quite simple and straightforward.

cat bowen
Cat Bowen

The app portion of the system is a bit wild and really interesting. If you enable notifications, the litter box does tell you when your cat is in the box, and when they leave. It feels a bit like a kitty hall pass to the restroom, but it is there to let you check in on your cat's health, and so that you know when you should be adding litter or changing the bag.

We have had zero issues with it, but I will note that the bags are custom-sized for the Leo's Loo Too, and they are $15 for 25 bags, so they're by no means cheap, and that's something to consider, but it is slightly less expensive than the liners for their main competitor, the Litter Robot.

I cannot tell you how much I love this litter box. I am sitting not 10 feet from it right now, and I'd never know. My husband doesn't kvetch nearly as much about cleaning this box, which is no small win, and my cats have gone back to only eating my palm's leaves instead of fertilizing it as well. Everyone is happy, and you will be too if you grab one for your little furball.

Headshot of Cat Bowen
Cat Bowen
Senior Editor for Commerce, Reviews

Cat Bowen has been covering parenting and home for over a decade. At Best Products, she has tested hundreds of products for parents and for the home, often spending dozens of hours per product to ensure her reviews are accurate and informative. Prior to joining the team, she was at Romper where she covered everything from breastfeeding to child sleep habits to abortion rights access. You can find her work on Bustle, Romper, and more. Cat is a bit of an intellectual magpie and perpetual student, most recently receiving a graduate degree in gender studies where she examined a topic that vexes so many — pockets in women’s clothing.